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Hospitality Supervisor - Apprenticeship - Level 3

Hospitality supervisors work across a wide variety of businesses including bars, restaurants, cafes, conference centres, banqueting venues, hotels or contract caterers. They provide vital support to management teams and are capable of independently supervising hospitality services and running shifts. They typically work under pressure delivering fantastic customer service and motivating a team is essential to their role. The majority of supervisors skills and knowledge are the same but supervisors may specialise in specific functions or work across a variety of functions which reflect the multi-functional nature of the industry.

Course Video - Why choose an apprenticeships?

Careers - Catering and Hospitality

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Potential Salary

Bar and catering supervisors


Potential Salary

Restaurant and catering establishment managers and proprietors


Potential Salary

Only apply below if you have an employer and they want you to start an apprenticeship

King's Lynn


Duration 15 months

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