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Investing in local skills

CWA is working in collaboration with other further education providers in the region, as part of the Local Skills Improvement Plans (LSIP) for the Norfolk & Suffolk Chambers of Commerce and the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority. The respective Local Skills Improvement Funds (LSIF) support this collaboration.

Key investments by CWA are:

Norfolk & Suffolk


Green Skills, with Digital and Soft Skills

CWA has opened a multi-use Technology Skills Centre at our King’s Lynn campus, with equipment and training to support teaching in:

• Thermal Imagery
• Green Energy
• Motor Vehicle
• Science.

Green Skills Centre KL

As well as courses dedicated to green skills and sustainability, this investment and expertise forms part of courses in areas such as construction, motor vehicle and science.

Read more:
Educational partnership between Norfolk and Suffolk looks to solve the region's digital skills gap

Cambridgeshire & Peterborough

Life Science

CWA is opening a new Biosciences Centre at our Cambridge campus to provide scope for the delivery of science and animal focused skills courses, with equipment and training to support teaching and learning.

Green Skills Academy

CWA’s new Green Skills Academy at our Wisbech campus is a £4.2m partnership funded by the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority’s Recycled Growth Fund, Anglian Water and their 15 @One Alliance partners, and CWA.

The training centre will provide a vital hub for local people keen to pursue a career helping the environment and will be based in a new sustainable building, due to open in September 2025.

Read more:
CWA partners with Anglian Water and CPCA to fund new Green Skills Academy

Carbon Net Zero Training Centre to deliver hundreds of green skills opportunities

Green Skills and Environmental Sustainability Courses

CWA is a training partner of IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment) and we offer environmental and sustainability skills training for managers and employees in any business sector. Click here to find out more about the courses we offer. If you are an employer and would like to provide this training to a group of staff, get in touch with our Green Skills Manager to arrange training at your premises.

IEMALOGO Training Centre

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General Enquiries
01553 761 144

Student Services
01553 815 271