Course basket

All students aged 16-18 on the first day of their course will have their course fully-funded by the government (i.e. there is no course fee). Depending on the course, there may be additional costs such as equipment / uniform, printing and educational trips.

Course fees for adults

If you are aged 19 and over, your course may be fully-funded by the government depending on your intended course, prior qualifications and current circumstances such as income and employment status. The fee calculator below will give you a clear indication on whether you'll be able to have your course fee waived or covered by an Advanced Learner Loan.

Fee Calculator

Learners with an active Education, Health & Care Plan

If you are aged 19 - 24 at the start of your course and have an active Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP), any course up to and including level 3 will be fully-funded by the government. This means you will not have a course fee to pay and any equipment considered essential to complete your course will be provided by the college.

If you have completed the fee calculator and require further information on course fees or payment, please contact student services on 01553 815271.

Please note the information on this page and all of the fees on our course pages was correct at the time of publication but is subject to change due to factors beyond our control. Courses fees are generally not confirmed until the June / July before your course starts due to these factors.

Advanced Learner Loan

If you are aged 19 or above, planning to study a level 3 and not able to receive your course for free, you should be eligible for an Advanced Learner Loan to cover the cost of the course. With an Advanced Learner Loan, there are no upfront costs and you won't start to pay anything back until you earn at least £25,000 per year!


Financial support

The college operates a financial support scheme which can help students whose financial circumstances make it difficult for them to meet the costs associated with study. If eligible, you could receive help with costs such as course fees, materials, kit and equipment, transport, childcare and accommodation. You can find more information and can complete an application here.

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General Enquiries
01553 761 144

Student Services
01553 815 271