Course basket

We are delighted that your child has chosen to study with us.

We will do our utmost to support them during their time with us to help them reach their full potential and career aspirations.

For most young people, parental support is a key factor in successful education outcomes and we aim to help you by providing you with key information about their progress and achievement at college. However, although they may be under the age of 18, data protection regulations mean that we are limited in the amount of information we can share with parents without the student’s express permission (the law governing parental rights to information about their child's education in a further education college is different from in a school).

Students have the ability on their Student Portal to give this permission and allow us to share information with you about their progress and achievement. They can also give you direct access to log in to their Student Portal and see their online PDP (personal development plan). To give you full access, they’ll need to provide your email address and tick the “Give this person access…” box at the bottom of the form (see screenshot below). Once they have given this permission, we will contact you via the given email address with details of how to access Student Portal.

parents screenshot

How you can support your child at college

  • Check with them that they have ticked the right boxes on the Student Portal for us to share info with you. Without their express permission, we will not usually be able to share info on their timetable, progress, attendance etc
  • Please encourage 100% attendance. There is a college target for all students of a minimum of 95% for all aspects of their programme and we have limited scope for authorisation of absence.
  • Avoid holidays during term time
  • Make sure you / they report any absence in accordance with the expectations of the curriculum dept. Each area will communicate the best approach to notification.
  • Make contact with their Course Director if there are concerns. The sooner we know about an issue, the quicker it can be resolved.

Track their progress

Once you’ve been given the necessary permission (see above), you will be able to log in to Student Portal and view your child’s PDP (personal development plan). This will provide you with up-to-date information on their progress throughout the academic year and will be regularly updated by the course team. You will be able to access their attendance, view details of meetings, targets, praise and concerns that have been logged and see how they are progressing on their study programme (please see more details about study programmes below).

Study programme

Your child's Study Programme will include a number of components, which will include their main qualification (e.g. BTEC diploma, A level etc) along with a number of other elements to make up their individualised study programme / timetable. Please note that their timetable may differ from other students on the same course as each student's Study Programme is individualised.

Although your child will typically attend college 3 or 4 days a week, the course is regarded as full-time and so their study days should be regarded as just that…….study days!

What you can expect as a minimum

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General Enquiries
01553 761 144

Student Services
01553 815 271