Course basket

By working together with our partners, we are able to:

  • enhance the opportunities available to young people
  • fill gaps in niche or expert provision, or provide better access to training facilities
  • support better geographical access for learners
  • offer an entry point for disadvantaged groups
  • consider the impact on individuals who share protected characteristics.

For further information on how each individual partner meets any of the above criteria, click here.

Action Community Enterprises

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ACE specialise in delivering education and training young people, aged 16-18, who may need a little more support to succeed.

Family Action

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Family Action are a registered charity, who deliver Level 1 and Level 2 Horticulture courses.

Pilot IMS

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Pilot IMS are a welfare and skills provider who support those people from a range of backgrounds within our local communities to help them progress closer to the labour market, as well as supporting employers with their workforce development. We are matrix accredited, and are an Ofsted grade 2 provider with Outstanding for Adult Education, which is testament to the quality provision we provide. We aim to improve the life chances of our clients by offering end to end skills and welfare support for sustained employment and wellbeing. They will be providing King’s Trust Team Programme through college. To find out more, click here.

Solutions 4 Polymer Ltd

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Collaboratively, Solutions 4 Polymers Ltd (S4PL) and CWA deliver the Level 3 Science Manufacturing Technician Standard Apprenticeship, specifically designed and tailored to the Polymer industry.

The Norwich School of Beauty

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The Norwich School of Beauty provide adult learners with the opportunity to achieve a Level 2 professionally recognised qualification within beauty therapy.

"Our Partnership with the College of West Anglia has not only improved our capacity to educate more learners but has also empowered students in barbering and beauty therapy, with many now gainfully employed and actively contributing to the industry's growth."

Sam Cummings (She/Her)

Click here to find out more (click the Employment Opportunities tab to hear from our learners).

Student Success Stories:

Student Success- Donna

NSHB Donna

Student Success- Daisy

 NSHB Diasy

The Skills Network

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The Skills Network provides online, distance learning to educators, employers and learners to deliver effective and innovative skills training and educational content across all sectors.



The College of West Anglia works in partnership with a number of partner provider organisations delivering specialist training on a local and regional basis, with the exception of our specialist apprenticeship provider.

As a CWA student you can expect a standard of service as outlined in our charter above. We hope that you will enjoy your programme of study which could be fully or part funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency. For adult learners in Cambridgeshire, your provision is funded by Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority – further details can be found here.

Our Partnership Management Policy can be found here. Also our Supply Chain Fees and Charges Policy can be found here.

CWA Logo

General Enquiries
01553 761 144

Student Services
01553 815 271