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Operations Manager - Apprenticeship - Level 5

Operations managers perform leadership and management duties with teams and senior managers to ensure that teams fulfil their roles and meet organisational goals. They are essential to all business models that have an operational area or department with a workforce to lead, manage, and support.

The broad purpose of this occupation is to provide leadership, with both operational and project responsibilities. An operations manager is responsible for managing individuals or a team, offering direction, instructions, and guidance to achieve set goals. They are crucial for the smooth functioning of all departments within an organisation and ensure that their functions are administered and maintained in accordance with legislation and the organisations policies and procedures. Operations managers provide clear and inclusive leadership and direction within their area of responsibility. This typically involves setting, managing, and monitoring the achievement of core objectives aligned with the organisations overall strategic goals. In smaller organisations, they are also likely to contribute to the execution and achievement of these strategic objectives.

Careers - Business & Tourism

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Travel agency managers and proprietors


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Travel agents


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Sales accounts and business development managers


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Duration 24 Months

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