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Jack is doing an apprenticeship at DanFab UK Ltd in Advanced Manufacturing in Welding and Fabrication level 3. Jacks’ apprenticeship allows him to gain practical and technical experience in the welding and fabrication industry. Jack learnt about his apprenctic4eship through his full-time vocational course.

Jack said, “I started CWA studying a full-time vocational course, and started work experience. I was thoroughly enjoying the work experience, so I decided to go from the course to an apprenticeship. A typical day for me would consist of the following: cutting, drilling, deburring, marking out dimensions, tucking up a job, welding and then finishing which includes painting, sanding or acid cleaning.

In the future, I plan on studying with my company and maybe, one day, going self-employed.

If you are planning on doing an apprenticeship, then I would say, if you are willing to commit to the full-time apprenticeship and staying in the trade, then do it! The best thing about completing an apprenticeship is the feeling that you are competent tradesperson and complete jobs with you own knowledge.”

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