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What are A-levels?

A-levels are one of the main routes to higher education and university. They are assessed through examinations with some providing coursework modules and learners receive individual grades for each subject chosen. Most learners studying A-levels study the equivalent of at least three subjects (although some study more).

Why study A-levels at college?

College is very different from school or sixth form – you are treated as an adult and will learn how to manage your own time outside of lectures and develop new skills. There are no bells, assemblies or uniform – you are free to take control of your own learning in a sociable and mature atmosphere. You will be able to learn in a fun and dynamic environment and your lessons will be both challenging and stimulating. During your studies you will be supported by our highly-qualified staff, who will regularly review your progress against your targets and guide you in your next steps.

Select your A-level subjects and apply

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