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Applewood Nursery has received a ‘Good’ rating by Ofsted, the government’s inspection body for nurseries, schools and colleges. The nursery is managed by the College of West Anglia and is based at the King’s Lynn campus offering early years education to children.

At the end of the inspection on 24th August, the Ofsted inspector judged Applewood Nursery to be good across all four areas of inspection: quality of education; behaviour and attitudes; personal development and leadership and management.

Ofsted praised the quality of the provision, recognising that the early years setting provided an environment where children feel safe, and are happy and engaged. The report also noted the carefully planned sessions, adapted to each child’s individual needs.

The report noted that ‘Parents are positive about the nursery and staff. They state that they are well informed about their child’s progress and what they need to learn next. Parents state that their children are happy to attend and enjoy their time at nursery.’

The report recognised the leadership team are instrumental to ensuring staff receive regular coaching, training and support within their roles and throughout the pandemic.


At the end of the inspection on 24th August, the Ofsted inspector judged Applewood Nursery to be good across all four areas of inspection: quality of education; behaviour and attitudes; personal development and leadership and management.

Ofsted praised the quality of the provision, recognising that the early years setting provided an environment where children feel safe, and are happy and engaged. The report also noted the carefully planned sessions, adapted to each child’s individual needs.

The report noted that ‘Parents are positive about the nursery and staff. They state that they are well informed about their child’s progress and what they need to learn next. Parents state that their children are happy to attend and enjoy their time at nursery.’

The report recognised the leadership team are instrumental to ensuring staff receive regular coaching, training and support within their roles and throughout the pandemic.

You can find out more about Applewood Nursery here.

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