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Veterinary nursing students from the University Centre West Anglia’s Cambridge Campus participated in a day of punting on the river Cam on 17th September to mark the close of their welcome week.

Twenty students took part in the afternoon event, which was organised in conjunction with Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and UcWA as part of their induction programme.

One student said the event was Well organised and lots of fun, we were able to see some great sites around Cambridge and it was extremely informative!

UcWA Course Director for the BSc (Hons) Veterinary Nursing and Applied Animal Behaviour said:

Events were planned around students getting to know one another, as well as providing key information to ensure academic success in the year to come. It was also a great opportunity for the teaching staff to get to know the new cohort. We’re extremely pleased with the enthusiasm and approach of our new students this year.


The students are entering into their first year of study for a veterinary nursing higher education programme. Other events that took place during their induction week included a tour of the Cambridge campus to get to grips with the facilities, such as the animal unit, equine yard, equine therapy unit, dog kennels that are all housed there, as well as listening to inspiring talks delivered by recent UcWA alumnus.

For more information on the full range of higher education courses offered at UcWA, book onto an open day on Weds 16th October 2019 at

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